關於社協 | About MSWA


澳門社會工作人員協進會 | Associação dos Assistentes Sociais de Macau | Macau Social Workers Association


  1. 本著社會工作專業精神關心社會,積極參與社會服務及民生政策的制定。
  2. 促進及推動社會工作專業的發展:
    1. 推動社會工作人員的持續進修;
    2. 推動社會工作專業的學術研究及交流;
    3. 促進與社會工作專業相關之制度及法規的發展。
  3. 維護社會工作的專業操守,致力建立專業之仲裁制度。
  4. 維護會員及社區內服務使用者的權益,關注社會事務。
  5. 聯繫及團結社會工作人員,建立相互支持的平台。


澳門社會工作人員協進會 | Associação dos Assistents Sociais de Macau | Macau Social Workers Association

Macau Social Workers Association was found on 14 October 1984. It is an non-profit organization of professional social workers.


  1. In the spirit of the social work profession concerned with social and actively participate in the development of social services and livelihood policies.
  2. Facilitate and promote the development of professional social work.
    1. Promote continuing education of social workers.
    2. Promote social work professional academic research and exchanges.
    3. Promotion and professional social work, the development of the system and the related laws and regulations.
  3. To maintain professional conduct of social work, efforts to establish a professional arbitration system.
  4. Safeguard the rights and interests of the members and the community service users, pay close attention to social issues.
  5. Contact and unite social workers, to establish a platform for mutual support.


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